Jeurong Hotel

203 Binxi Avenue (Binxi Dadao) , Nanjiang,Cangshan District,Fuzhou,Fujian

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Tourism News

Share your unique perspective on China

2024/12/17 16:40:33

BEIJING, Dec. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A news report from

"My China Moments" – an international collection of essays, videos and visual works compiled by China Daily - is now open for submissions. The initiative seeks diverse stories and insights from foreigners who have encountered, explored or been inspired by China.

Categories include written articles, videos and other visual works in English. China Daily welcomes your original work, whether it captures China's beautiful landscapes, its culinary delights, the cultural melting pot, educational institutions, or modern marvels. Your unique perspectives and insights are exactly what we're looking for.

Selected pieces will be published, with attribution, on platforms such as the China Daily website, China Daily app, along with digital platforms and social media accounts including Discover Beautiful China, China Museums and Performing Arts in China. A number of articles will also be published, with attribution, in China Daily.

Contributors have the chance to win culturally themed gifts and may be invited to attend offline events organized by China Daily.

Scan the QR code on the poster for submission details, or click here.


Author: Jeurong Hotel

Jeurong Hotel

203 Binxi Avenue (Binxi Dadao) , Nanjiang,Cangshan District,Fuzhou,Fujian